If you are interested in learning more about our filtration systems or partnering with us to help your community achieve better water for all, please contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you!

PFOS/PFOA are becoming a bigger topic too since contamination is a nationwide problem. There are no binding
federal standards yet, however, several states have developed standards and guidance values for PFAS in drinking
water and groundwater.
ZeroWater offers help for short term clean water efforts. Our pitchers and dispensers can help as a temporary
solution for communities while tackling long-term change.

How We Can Help
ZeroWater enables out of the box superior water filtration at home and provides delicious tasting drinking water - always delivering the best filtration options along with reliability and convenience. Our pitchers and dispensers feature premium 5-stage ion exchange filtration that removes virtually all dissolved solids (99.6%) from tap water. With offering a wide range in products you can make sure you are selecting a product to suit your needs

Who We Have Worked With

Our 5-stage filtration is the only pour through filter that removes 99.6% of all total dissolved solids (TDS) and is IAPMO certified to reduce PFOS/PFAS, lead, and chromium!