What is TDS?
Total Dissolved Solids (“TDS”) are organic and inorganic materials, such as metals, minerals, salts, and ions dissolved in water. TDS can affect the taste and appearance of water. Dissolved solids enter your water supply from a wide range of sources — old piping, run-off from road salts, pesticides, fertilizers, and other sources.

TDS, The “Sciency” Definition:
Dissolved Solids are a measurement of compounds like minerals, salts and organic compounds that are dissolved into water through contact with rock and other surfaces. TDS can be made up of several different types of compounds (including but not limited to): calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium chloride and sulfides (which are compounds frequently found in groundwater supplies).
*Increased levels of TDS (total dissolved solids) may affect taste and appearance of your water.
Why Should You Measure TDS?
Measuring water TDS levels is the best way to understand your drinking water. Total Dissolved Solids are organic and non-organic sediments found in water, which contribute to a difference in the taste and appearance of water. Dissolved solids enter your water supply from a wide range of sources — old piping, run-off from road salts, pesticides, fertilizers, and more.

What is the TDS Water Test?
TDS is tested in water through special meters that detect particles. Your ZeroWater® TDS meter will show the number of solid particles per one million water particles (ppm). For example, a value of 60 ppm means that from one million particles there are 60 dissolved ions and the rest (999,940) are water molecules. 5-Stage water filters by ZeroWater® remove 99.6% of total dissolved solids in your drinking water.
Low TDS vs High TDS
A high TDS level means there is an increased amount of total dissolved solids, which can affect the taste and appearance of water. A low TDS level means there are fewer dissolved solids and your water is made up of mostly pure water molecules, leaving the purest tasting water.